Guardiola- Solà and Bringué-Bringué winners of the CHALLENGE ANDORRA.
Jaume Guardiola-Pep Solà (Suzuki Proto) in the PROTOS category and Josep Bringué-Ivan Bringué (Suzuki Samurai) in the PREPARED category were the impressive champions...
Jaume Guardiola-Pep Solà (Suzuki Proto) in the PROTOS category and Josep Bringué-Ivan Bringué (Suzuki Samurai) in the PREPARED category were the impressive champions...
Rallys - Campeonato de España de Rallys de asfalto
Rallys - Campeonato de España de Rallys de tierra
Rallys - Campeonato del Mundo
Rallys - Campeonato de Cataluña - Asfalto