Carchat-“Leite” set the winning pace in the Suzuki Swift Cup.
The improvement of Joan Carchat-“Leite” (Suzuki Swift) continues at a very good pace. Besides being always on the podium, this time they’ve climb to the highest step after solving to their advantage an incredible duel with the local team Pazó-Seoane. Carchat was very focussed during the rally and was able to cope with the pressure of having right behind a driver that knew the setting as the back of his hand and tried to get him out of the leadership in each special stage. Thus, first triumph for Carchat-“Leite” in the Suzuki Cup 2011 and, probably, leadership of the Cup after the initial three events (the confirmation of the official classification is still pending). As far as the weather goes, it’s noteworthy that there was a chance of rain throughout the entire day, but finally the rally took place on dry concrete. The suffocating heat of past years was conspicuous by its absence this time. Carchat didn’t want heat and he got his wish.